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First presbyterian Church
of Huntsville, texas
Presbyterian Women
"Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ
We commit ourselves:
To Nurture our faith through prayer
And Bible Study,
To support the mission of the
Church worldwide,
To work for justice and peace, and
To build an inclusive and caring
Community of women that strengthens
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
And Witnesses to the promise of God's kingdom."

Coordinating Team: This team of elected officers and circle leaders meet frequently to plan and coordinate the work of PW.
Gatherings: This is social time of strengthening for the women of the church. They are typically held twice a year; once in the fall and once in the spring.
Red Stocking Dinner: Gift offerings are placed in a red stocking and are used for special needs of the church and its organization. This dinner is held on the first Monday of December. New officers are also installed during this program.
Birthday Objective: This National Presbyterian Women offering is observed in May or June to support Presbyterian homes and other schools, etc., here and overseas.
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