First presbyterian Church
of Huntsville, texas

Christian education

​Sundays @ 9:15 a.m.
Birth to Age 3 -- Nursery
Emily Tuttle, Nursery Attendant
Godly Play -- Age 4 thru 1st Grade
Led by Meredith Clifton
Meets in the Godly Play Room
We don't have classes for 2nd - 4th Grade
at this time.
Jr. High & High School Bible Study
Led by Emily Evans
Meets in the Youth Room
​Video Series on the Christian Church
during the Reformation
Meets in the Parlor
Men's Bible Study - Currently Studying Deuteronomy
Led by Milton Brock
Meets in the Chapel
Other Study opportunities:
Women's Bible Study
Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 10 a.m. in the Church Parlor
This 2024-2025 study, Let Justice Roll Down - God's Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation". According to Scripture, the earth and its members belong to God. We are called to care for creation not only because God loves it, but also because a healthy creation supports human well-being. In this study, Patricia K. Tull invites us to explore theological questions that point us to act and engage, with all our hearts, to address or counter the impact of human-made stress on our environment. We are also called to care for our neighbors, particularly for society's least powerful members who are disproportionately impacted by unjust systems.
Book Club
Every 1st Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. in the Parlor
led by Brenda Brock
Join in a lively discussion and reflection of the book of the month! Coffee and sweets are always provided.
Lectio Divina
Every Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the Parlor
led by Brenda Brock
Lectio Divina is an ancient prayer discipline of reading scripture and listening for God's still small voice to speak through his word. It's a wonderful, peaceful way to escape a busy work day and simply be still in the presence of God.